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How to Motivate Ethical Behavior in the Group

Updated: Aug 20

Business managers or the person who owns the business is responsible for encouraging ethical behavior within the organization. Morals and ethics have to be a part of the organization’s policy. It is difficult to bring that only with motivation, it needs a constant effort of discipline and rewards to make it an attitude for creating a positive workspace and satisfied customers. Everything in the organization including marketing and product placement needs proper attention and constant effort. Most management people forget motivating ethical behavior in the workplace needs equal planning. In order to achieve a good reputation for the company, morals and ethics have to be visible to the customers as well. Also, it creates an environment for the employees to be part of the organization in the long run.

Ethical Behavior

Implementing a code of conduct is an essential step to initiating ethical behavior in the organization. This has to be your company’s state to concern ethics and social responsibility. This code of conduct depicts how to treat customers and each other in the organization. Also, it depicts what is allowed and not allowed in the company.

Appreciating good behavior

Once defining what is meant to be ethical behavior in the organization, the management can use rewards as a motivation to promote the act. An effective approach for this is depicted in the book “Ethics in the Workplace: Tools and Tactics for Organizational Transformation” is examining employees for promotions, incentives, bonuses, etc.


If you fail to control the unethical behavior allows offenders to thrive. Other people also get influenced by the bad behavior and start to take advantage of it. To avoid that, management should take a stand to stop such actions by punishing the doer in front of others and giving chance for the rest to learn from the latter. Implementing the TRST (Trust) Score platform is the most effective way to stop bad behavior in the organization. The employer can give a low trust score for the employee if he/ she misbehaved or did something against the morale of the organization. An employee’s ethics score not only punishes the errant employee; it also acts as a deterrent for others. As a first step verbal warning can be considered. DO not hesitate to fire the individual who refuses to comply with the organization’s ethical standards.

The Teamwork

The employer can encourage moral behavior by stimulating a culture that values teamwork and employee welfare. Helping employees grow in their career life aids in developing a positive attitude. Help the employees to be better in what they are doing through training and moral support, this will create a mental state to behave ethically and stop them automatically to do something which slows down the business growth.


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